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The information you need to know about Bangabandhu Satellite

The information you need to know about Bangabandhu Satellite

Evntually, after the end of all speclation, the first comunication satellite of Bd, Bangbandhu-1, went into space orbit in Falcon-9 rocket on SpaceX from Flrida on May 12. And with this flyover, Bangladesh named the own satellites owner Elite Club of the country. Bangaandhu Satellite is the world's 57th satellite powers country by Bangladesh.

On 10 May local time in Florda, due to the mechanical error of SPExx, Bangabndhu-1 satellite was droped one day back on May 11 at the local time in Florida at 2 pm. Bangabndhu-1 satllite was sucssfully lauched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA, on May 12, 2018 (or on Friday, May 11). In the 33 minutes and 47 seconds of the lauch, Bangaandhu-1 satllite reached Geosatione Transfer Orbit.

The satellite was delyed on May 4th, but it was delayed and the new date was given on May 10. On 10th May, due to the mecanical fault of the SpaceX, another day was taken back to the local time of Florida on May 11 afternoon. At that time the time was 12 May, 2018 (or on the 11th of the day on Friday) at 2:14 pm. SpiceX did not want to take any risk even though it took a lttle longer. The new vrsion of their 9-rocket rocket 'Block 5' was welded by a little longer, the flight delayed the spacex.

Last year, on December 16, Bangabandhu was suposed to fly the satelite, but Hurricane Arma's open space was brought back to Florida by this year due to extnsive damage to Florida.

The whole time of the artiicial satellite Bangabandhu-1 of Bangladesh, live on their website live as SPACEX.

Peole of Bd are very excited to witness this penomenon. In addition, there is a great curiosity with the satellites among ordinary people. The article to find answers to them.

Bangabandhu satellites

How to Start

In the last year, the deciion to launch Bangaandhu-1 satellite was officially finalized. In that year, BTRC signed an agreement with the comany of Thales Alenya Space, France, to buy a satellite system of about Tk 2 billion. Then in September 2016, BD Telecmunication Regultors  Com mission (BTRC) signed a loan agreement with HSBC Bank for a loan of Tk 1400 crore as part of the cost to send the satellite to orbit.

What is the cost of Bangabandhu-1 satellite?

Total cost of impleenting Bangabndhu-1 satellite project is Tk 2,990 crore. This money is coming in two ways. Of this, there are government fund of Tk 1, 544 crore. HSBC is giving loan of Tk 1,358 crore as loan

Constuction of Bangabndhu-1 satellite was more than 1 year
The Constrction of the Bangaandhu-1 satellite in France took more than 1 year. On 11 November 2015, the government of Bangladesh contracted with Satellite Manacturer Company Thalass. BTRC Chairman Shahjahan Maood said in November of 2017 that the constuction work of the Bangabandhu satellite was completed. Then in March 2015, speial cargo flights were sent to the US Kennedy Space Center to launch it.

Bangabandhu-1 Satellite

Bangabandhu Satellite's Space Journey

The Bangabandhu-1 satellite has been carrying the satellite in the orbit of the commercial space company, SpaceX, in commercial space and space exploration company. It is one of the renowned organizations of the elon mask. The spacecraft that sends the satellite into space is the Falcon-9 Block 5 Rocket of SpaceX. The first mission of the new version of Flexcon 9 rocket in SpaceX was on Block 5, Bangabandhu-1.

The satellite was delayed on May 4th, but it was delayed and the new date was given on May 10. On 10th May, due to the mechanical fault of the SpaceX, another day was taken back to the local time of Florida on May 11 afternoon. At that time the time was 12 May, 2018 (or on the 11th of the day on Friday) at 2:14 pm. SpiceX did not want to take any risk even though it took a little longer. The new version of their 9-rocket rocket 'Block 5' was welded by a little longer, the flight delayed the spacex.

The specification of Bangabandhu-1 satellite

Bangabandhu satelite weighing abouts 3600 kgs and has 40 transponders for satellite communication. Of these, 20 will be used by Bangladesh itself and the remaining 20 transponders will be rented in exchange for money from different countries or organizations.

From where the lausnch is Bangabandhu-1 satellite
NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center Complex, located in the United States of America, has flown the Bangabandhu-1 satellite from the 39th Launchpad, a new version of the Falcon 9 rocket of the SpaceX Rocket 5 rocket. Apollo-11 moved to Chandravya from this launch complex in 1969. After the satellite reached 35700 kilometers, the rocket stage is completely separated from 1 part and it crosses the Earth from 36,000 kilometers. To control it, the orbit set 119.1 is finalized in the eastern longitude. Bangladesh has bought this orbital slot for 15 years from the Russian satellite company Interpatnik, which has pay about Tk. 219 million.


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